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Solid and Finite Element Modeling


MacNeal-Schwendler Corporation, The

P3/PATRAN is an open-ended, 3-D Mechanical Computer Aided Engineering(MCAE) system that offers next-generation technology in linkingengineering design, analysis, and results evaluation.P3/PATRAN uses a Motif-based interface that is easy to use and easy tolearn. P3/PATRAN also gives users unparalleled integration. WithP3/PATRAN's Single Geometric Model (SGM), engineers can create a finiteelement analysis model directly from their CAD systems, withouttranslating or recreating the design geometry. With P3/PATRAN's analysisintegration, engineers can create run-ready decks for solvers such asMSC/NASTRAN using syntax specific to each code. In addition, P3/PATRANprovides unrivaled engineering functionality and customizability.With the advent of P3/PATRAN, unified engineering practice and theimplementation of concurrent engineering take an important step forward.

Language: C, FORTRAN
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.2

MacNeal-Schwendler Corporation, The
2975 Red Hill Ave
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Phone: (714) 540-8900
Fax: (714) 979-2990